Nebraska United Methodist Foundation Announces Spring Grant Opportunities
Nebraska United Methodist Foundation Announces Spring Grant Opportunities

Mission Grants
The Dean & Keitha Thomson Mission Grants are for individuals who are in need of financial assistance in order to participate on a mission trip.
The Gifts from the Heart (GFTH) Mission Grants are for Nebraska United Methodist Churches who are planning mission trips within their congregation.
Mission trips may be located locally, nationally, or internationally with a focus on global health, including but not limited to medical needs, or disaster and recovery efforts. The mission trip work must be considered to be of a beneficial nature to the larger community and an integral part of a long-range plan for growth and outreach.
Ministry Grants
The NUMF ministry grants are available to all Nebraska United Methodist churches and affiliated agencies of the Great Plains United Methodist Conference. These grants are available to enhance and expand church ministries. The ultimate goal of these awards is to provide assistance, both for new ministries and thriving ministries wishing to grow. These grants are made for programs and activities, and include operating expenses and supplies necessary for those programs or activities. They are not made for building repair, replacement, salaries, church operations or expansion.
New Start/New Faith Community Grants
The New Start/New Faith Community Grant is available to Nebraska United Methodist churches and affiliated Nebraska agencies of the Great Plains United Methodist Conference to enhance and support new church development. Grant applicants should be aware that priority will be given to the following:
- A New Start that is recognized by Congregational Excellence as a New Start/New Faith Community.
- A New Start deemed to be of an outreach and beneficial nature to the larger community.
- A New Start that is in collaboration with other United Methodist entities.
- A New Start that has identified other sources of revenue.
- A New Start that is an integral part of a long-range plan for growth and outreach.
The deadline for all grants is March 31st. For more information including grant guidelines and applications, please visit our website at